Spay/Neuter Clinic for Cats

Date(s) - Nov 22, 2024
7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Integrated Veterinary Services

Categories No Categories

This form is to register Cats only. If you are registering a Dog, go back a page and use the form for Dogs.

This form allows you to register for a spay/neuter clinic for Cats. Please note your registration is not confirmed until the $30 deposit is made.  Final payment will be made during the clinic itself.

Your personal information will only be collected for registration purposes and will not be shared or distributed in any form.

All registrations open on Friday, 42 days (6 weeks) prior to each clinic at 5:00AM ET, and close 1 day before each clinic.  A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide upon successful registration.

Important Notice

Every clinic has a cap of 10 dogs and 17 cats.  This is for safety purposes.  If a ticket does not show for a dog or cat, then all slots for that animal are filled, and we kindly ask that you choose a different date.  REGISTERING YOUR DOG AS A CAT (OR VICE VERSA) WILL CAUSE YOUR RESERVATION TO BE CANCELLED AND YOUR DEPOSIT WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.

Due to an unfortunate increase in the number of unsocialized, unmanageable, untrained, anxious, and aggressive dogs, we may require you to accompany your dog into the building for sedation AND/OR may require you to wait in the parking lot until the dog is completely anesthetized.  There is an additional charge of $40 (dogs under 50#) or $80 (dogs over 50#) to cover the cost of extra  meds and time required to deal with dangerous dogs. If we deem your dog un-handleable, we reserve the right to cancel your dog’s procedure.  If your dog’s behavior requires you to stay with him/her to ensure the safety of our staff,  but you cannot comply, we reserve the right cancel your dog’s procedure. Your deposit will not be refunded

You must agree to these terms to register.

On the following form, * denotes a required field.

Registration Form for Cats


This clinic is fully booked.